Helene Woods/The Covid Painting Project
The Covid Painting Project explores the experiences of Covid-19 patients through Physical Internalism, the process used by D. Helene Woods to portray the physical state of the body through painting. This project is the result of numerous interviews with patients and medical providers to learn what the many aspects of Covid-19 actually feels like. After interviews a series of drawings were conducted in preparation for painting on canvas. During the painting process, an imagined biology is added to the human figures to portray their physical experiences.
This activity is made possible through a grant from the Central Minnesota Arts Board, thanks to funds provided by the McKnight Foundation.
Helene Woods is a fiscal year 2021 recipient of a Creative Support for Individuals grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.
Helene Woods received her BFA from Southwest State University in 1991 and a Master’s in Public Administration from Metropolitan State University, St. Paul in 2010 supporting her work to integrate art into health and human services. Woods identifies as a member of the LGBTQ community and is Jewish. In addition to her work as a professional artist, Helene is an advocate for transgender rights. Helene lives in Monticello, Minnesota and is a single parent to three children ages 11, 17 and 19.
Woods’ paintings explore labor and environments of people, especially women, and the physicality of the body. To communicate the impact physicality has, Woods creates figures that are transparent, showing an imagined biology that works to give the figures a personality, rather than clothing and other external factors. This is done to avoid objectification, but also to remove indicators of socio-economic status. Clothing and facial features immediately provide a setting for a figure. Viewers of Woods’ work are being asked to put themselves and their own experiences into the painting. The viewers become the face of the faceless. Woods is asking the viewers to place themselves in the figures represented and think about how it feels to be that person physically. It is an exercise in compassion. Woods refers to this process as Physical Internalism.
Woods developed the process of using an imagined biology by studying MRI images. Some figures show strong muscular systems, others emphasize illness or old age with engorged uncomfortable organs. “I use this method to find a way to convey what it feels like to be in that body. I am interested in how it feels to have a chronic illness or even a healthy body, and how that can be articulated visually through abstraction.” The figures become narratives that go on to explore how that body interacts with the world.
Untitled, Ink on Paper, 16×24
Learn about the Covid Painting Project, spanning from interviews, to drawings, to paintings and a final exhibit in person.
Untitled, Ink on Paper, 16×24
The first steps of the Covid Painting Project was to interview people who had experienced Covid19
Untitled, Ink on Paper, 16×24
Nearly all those interviewed expressed gratitude for the nurses and other medical providers who cared for them.
Untitled, Ink on Paper, 16×24
Patients that were ventilated spoke about the sounds and other memories of that time.
Untitled, Ink on Paper, 16×24
Learn about physical Internalism, the process used in the Covid Patient Project.
Untitled, Ink on Paper, 16×24
We all can relate to the isolation of Covid19, regardless of having been infected or not. Physical Internalism can be used to explore how the environment impacts the body as well.
Untitled, Ink on Paper, 16×24
See how moving from painting to drawing dramatically changes the image.
Ensnared, acrylic on canvas, 2021, 60” X 60”
Acrylic inks on canvas can be used in a number of different ways. See how one can draw on a painting directly using the droppers acrylic inks come with.
Skin rashes, specifically on the feet, are a common symptom of Covid19. See how I used Physical Internalism to express this very specific symptoms.
The fatigue of Covid19 often can mean weeks in bed. See how I chose to express the struggle of being bed ridden, and also connected to ventilators and other machines.
Learn more about the process of using acrylic inks, including layering and
An imagined biology, the premise of physical Internalism, is further explored.
Thank you everyone.
If you have any questions about the COVID Painting Project email the artist at debrehelene@gmail.com